Friday, April 25, 2008

YouTube and Google video- Week 6

Fun, fun, fun are YouTube and Google video. Have enjoyed both and catching up with music videos from my youth. They are a wonderful way to pass the time, and the variety on them is incredible. Both are easy to use and found that on Google many are linked back to YouTube.

Discovered Mosman library has its author talks available, and this is one valuable way to use it -for marketing author talks and making it available to a wider audience.Also special events in the library can be taped and posted -Book week, Library and Information week so that the community can see what is happening in their library.

One of my favourite videos is of the "Harry Potter Puppet Pals in the Mysterious Ticking Noise". Enjoy !!

Searched on "Lego" in YouTube and found "Super Lego Mario (Level 2).Incredible to find so many new uses for Lego!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wiki's - Week 5

I have enjoyed learning about Wiki's, as I have made use of Wikipedia many times. I find the entries give me a good overview of a subject .

I have enjoyed looking at Wookiepedia and the Book Lovers Wiki at Princeton Public library. I can see the many possible uses in the library, as it is a great way to share and collaborate information on Reader's advisory, Book clubs, collection development as well as writing library policy and manuals for circulation and reference.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

RSS feeds-week 4

I have enjoyed this week's adventure with RSS feeds as it has been great to learn something new.

I am always on the internet reading the news sites and finding information everyday to find out what is happening in the world around me and now I can have it all fed to me! With RSS it's great that it is on one site.

I have enjoyed setting up my feeds on Bloglines and have started with ABC news, BBC news, Quotes of the day and Library news and was very happy to be able to set up the photo of the day from the Powerhouse museum. I have posted a picture here so that you see the photo of the day. It is the interior of the museum and is meant to show the architecture. I like the simple lines and colours

I think the possibilities are endless for libraries - it's a great way for librarians to keep up to date with information and news from around the world, also it saves time searching for the latest information if it is pushed to you instead.

From the library marketing point of view it could be used to promote author talks, new resources, holiday activities and promotions to the time poor consumer and also has the advantage of being environmentally friendly.

I can now boast I am au fait with RSS feeds to the child units.....
