Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Online applications and Tools - Week 11

Google Docs, Zoho , Zamzar, Slideshare and Thumbstacks - I feel I can name drop now..

Lots to look at in this lesson- these were all new to me, I had never heard of them before now. I think it's great that these applications are free and could be of great use in the library both for staff and users.

Using Google Docs or Zoho would enable me to stop what I do currently, ie send docs by e-mail shown in the Youtube video or else I save to a USB and bring to work and transfer to my work PC. It would be great for staff at different branches to utilise this application to collaborate on a document as it would be more time efficient.Zoho even has the ability to be in different languages.

It is great for me too as able to access my documents from a PC anywhere in the world.

From a customer perspective- they would not need to bring a USB to save documents on and they would then not be interested in buying one at the Library. Also we charge for using MS Word on our PC's, if this is a free application - do we charge?
Less revenue for the Library- the question is ..Do we tell them ?

Zamzar will be of use to my daughter who is forever downloading videos and music in different formats and always looking for converters. She'll be surprised her mother is au fait with Zamzar. Here I go namedropping again..

With Slideshare and Thumbstacks, I can see uses such as staff training in library software,as well as presentations by guest speakers and library promotion.They look professional and staff and customers could access any time.

I have done my document to the team at State Library using Google Doc - I hope it gets there travelling thru the ether ie the internet.

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